Learning Diversity 

At St. Thomas Primary School, Drysdale, we take pride in our commitment to nurturing the individuality of every student. We understand that each child is unique, with their own learning needs, style and pace. We promote an inclusive and differentiated curriculum, ensuring that all students see themselves as successful learners who can access  the learning opportunities.

Our experienced and caring staff  work closely with specialists to offer targeted support for students with diverse needs.  We cultivate empathy, respect, and understanding, fostering an inclusive environment where every child is valued for who they are. We have a large staff of intervention teachers and  Learning Support Officers who work alongside classroom teachers to assist and support children with all types of learning needs. 

We're committed to continual growth and improvement. Our staff participate in ongoing professional development to stay at the forefront of best practices for supporting diverse learners.

We believe that parents are integral to a child's educational journey.  We forge strong partnerships to ensure every child's success, and we welcome and value their input. We access the support services of paraprofessionals and external support agencies in order to ensure our teaching and learning is explicit and targeted to the needs of individual children. 

Every day we are working to ensure that we set our learners up for success.